Orbs Goes Live on QuickSwap

Orbs is now live on three major blockchains, including Polygon (Matic), Ethereum, and BSC. As Orbs continues to grow its presence on the world’s most popular blockchains, it is now available on QuickSwap, a decentralized exchange running on Polygon.

With the addition of Orbs to QuickSwap on Polygon, the token can now be swapped for numerous others, which adds loads of liquidity to the Orbs ecosystem as a whole.

Polygon offers some major advantages over Ethereum, and can help people make transactions quickly and easily. Unlike Ethereum, Polygon offers ultra low transaction costs, as well as super fast speeds to users.

Orbs is Growing Across the Most Popular Blockchains

Polygon has been very successful at attracting existing Orbs token holders. More than 1 million ORBS tokens have crossed over from Ethereum to Polygon since the official Polygon bridge for Orbs to move from one network to the other was created.

It isn’t difficult to understand why so many ORBS holders would be interested in using Polygon.

In a very short time, Polygon has created a vibrant blockchain ecosystem, and offers next-generation liquidity solutions like QuickSwap. Much like BSC, Polygon is always fast and inexpensive to use, and offers a great level of security.

The Next Generation of Blockchain is Here

By offering token holders the ability to migrate to Polygon, Orbs has given its supporters the ability to work with technology that is superior to older blockchain technology.

When Ethereum went live in 2016, its functionality was state-of-the-art, but a lot has changed in five years. Today, smart contract technology is a standard feature on many blockchains, and the Proof-of-Work system that Ethereum still uses has become a liability.

In the early days of decentralized money, Proof-of-Work (PoW) was the only way to appeal to token users – Bitcoin used PoW, so any other platform that wanted to compete had to do the same.

Now, people don’t really care about PoW platforms, and many see them as an environmental liability that needs to be done away with. In addition to their green credentials, Proof-of-Stake platforms tend to be much faster, and far cheaper to use.

A Blast Higher for Liquidity

QuickSwap is a Layer 2 AMM DEX that has already attracted $1 billion in liquidity. It has deeply liquid markets that see more than $100 million per day in turnover. With the addition of ORBS to its token offerings, the Orbs ecosystem will benefit.

Today, Orbs can be traded on three of the most popular blockchain platforms in the world.

If a person wants to use Ethereum, there is no problem at all. For anyone that wants to leverage more modern blockchain technology, BSC and Polygon are a perfect fit.

There is billions of dollars of liquidity on these three blockchains, which gives Orbs a great position within the global blockchain ecosystem.

New Horizons for Blockchain

While the ORBS token is available on some of the most advanced blockchains in the world, the Orbs platform itself is at the cutting edge of scalable blockchain technology.

Unlike earlier blockchain platforms, like Bitcoin or Ethereum, Orbs has created a platform that makes advanced blockchain technology accessible to companies that need to run lean operations, or want to use blockchain over a large area of activity.

Orbs allows the use of virtual chains, which have all the functionality of a secured blockchain, but don’t require a dedicated node to operate the chain.

By using this architecture, a company can save a substantial amount of processing resources, especially if the blockchain isn’t used on a constant basis.

Of course, Orbs does a lot more than allow the use of virtual chains. To learn more about Orbs, please click here for more details.

The post Orbs Goes Live on QuickSwap appeared first on Blockonomi.

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